Monday 6 May 2013


E X P A N D I N G your S Q U A R E

HAI, so recently we had done some amazing expansions with simple looking squares, here are some process photos accompanied by some others (:


When given a certain task, one must go out and find out the most suitable paths to complete it. Research, ideation, development. Trying out and testing countless methods to achieve something to figure which works best.

ideation comes from research and revision, it wont just pop in your head (;

 P R O C E S S  D E V E L O P M E N T

Here, i went with thinking of a little chessboard theme but when i was thinking of such, a chessboard didnt come to mind. Instead, a form of explosion.
An abstract form of explosion, and the best that it had come to was a chessboard. A positive outcome from this is that the little squares can be placed in so many places it inspired me even more giving me a broader view of possibilities.

Development of ideas, just to think of what you would want to do may take a few seconds but it wont be as easy to implement the ideas themselves. Focusing on just one thing and keeping a mindset for a designer can be pricey. keeping a rather open mind however, delivers a wide view to the designers and their clients and also allows them to explore new techniques for themselves.


"Classic White Beauty" part II

Recently our group and i had done a 'simple' but complicated class project so here are the accompied pictures i promised. Enjoy (:

 S E M I O T I C S 

T E A M W O R K 

D E S I G N  C O N C E P T S 

R O L E  P L A Y I N G 

Batiks part II

Back with more of our batik work and pictures of our final presentation!

The complete  layout of our work put together !

We must say we are reather proud of what we had come up with in the end being it our very first time (:

I believe this picture symbolises the fun we had throughout the procedure of this assignment mainly because we were able to express ourselves in a completely different area.

Overall, i think this assignment was a complete success.
Like a colourful dreamland coming to life.. just kidding. Lifes as legit as it could be and learning new things especially designed based is something great and to be looked forward to (:

More on

Sunday 5 May 2013

Colours of my life - Batik Painting

Recently this week our group had gone on a small trip in town to do a painting.. but not just any painting. This special form of painting is called 'Batik Painting' A method (originally used in Java) of producing colored designs on textiles by dyeing them, having first applied wax to the parts to be... 

After waxing out the broder lines, colours are then added to the material, the wax acts as a protective border so unwanted colour doesn't pass over. Here are some beautiful examples of the final layout (:

Its fairly easy to blend colours together on the silky material and virtually any colour can be composed of.

As great as the vibrant colours look, it is just as fun to paint up. Soon i will be posting up a picture of our final design batik (:
A fellow batik professional at work

Not so Professionals at work but our work turned out better then expected (:

Saturday 4 May 2013

"Classic white beauty"

Games of every era has moved the human race forward in a way, giving designers and scientist a chance to prove something more, in this case, Videogames. For our new project we stepped it up a notch and brought out an idea of creating a vintage arcade. WHAT? thats right people, a tribute to thank those who had made mine and many people like me, lives even greater.

BUT there is a catch..   DUM DUM DUM

The whole arcade will be brought up only using paper! The main idea was to create a window decorative you see in shops' display sections but only using paper. As if that wasn't enough, everthing had to be on one colour, well technically its not a colour but everything is to be in white. WHAT?! i know, but anything is possible right? (;