Friday 21 September 2012

assignment 2 - composition update

http://taylorspod.blogspot.com2ND SEPTEMBER
So i have been having trouble updating my blog lately due to some technical difficulties but its better now,  here is a catchup on our work so far (:


So we learnt about the rule of thirds, basically it is a subject matter put to a side giving empty space on the opposite or another section of the whole page, this gives balance in the image and also interest. here is an example of what i mean..

This image shows how we would divide our total layout to obtain the proper 'rule of thirds' frame :D as you can see, the left is taken up by a blank space or absence of anything but the right has a subject composition providing a balance. TADA easy, right? not to mention how interesting.

Here is one of the works i have done for my seeing of rule of thirds (: we were required to use frames to help us in direction. As you can see, the bag was postioned slightly to the left and the empty space is composed towards the right. (:  simple yet interesting.

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