Saturday 29 September 2012

May i have this brochure?..

Tuesday, 25th SEPTEMBER

To put our grid understanding to the test, we were asked to make a brochure on a specific topic :D The time constraints made the task challenging but rather fun. My partner, Ilisa Izhar ( Mona) feel free to check her blog aswell (:

As you can see, we were very focused on our work, we did not realise a camera was at large.
This picture is of my accomplice and myself ( left ) during presentation of our design

Ilisa Izhar and i worked together on this project as we were told to do so in pairs. Our theme was 'Muay Thai' and it was to promote an upcoming event. The thing is, this event is legit and was to be shown sometime in the future (: Overall went tribal as it showed tatoo designs from the Thai culture. The following pictures show us in action, building the brochure and presenting it aswell (:


Thus our final product, it didnt come out perfect, we know we could've done better but for our theme and design, we were quite satisfied, my partner and i (: In the middle and back pages, we put the fighters and whom they are going against.

For the front page, we tilted the 'Muaythai' title slightly tilted and added yellow tribal art to match with the red title (: The title was taken from an actual Muaythai brochure.

Finally, the back pages present the 'what' and 'about' this muaythai challenge and also the home team, Taylors, pledge (: 

Good Luck, Taylorians (:

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